End of an Era (probably for real this time)

Planet.com (again) seems to have stopped freeloader enthusiast use of their APIs. :(

The last time this happened, access was restored a few days later mysteriously and landsat-viewer lived to see another day. But it looks like this time it’s the search API and this time it might actually be the end:

401 on API search

I figured I’d log in directly and see if I just need to reissue my API key, but of course I don’t remember the credentials I used to sign up 8 years ago and “Reset Password” isn’t yielding any emails which makes me think they pruned their legacy users.

I looked at their new user signup and the only way to sign up outside of being a megacorp with deep pockets is to be a college student:

planet signup screenshot

With LV down, I might have to build more crapplications to host up there but I am fresh out of ideas. 🤨

loading blog data